Understanding the Gorilla Habitat Part 5

Part of our mission in preserving the natural habitat for mountain gorillas in Uganda, includes the provision of access to an affordable and sustainable solution for cooking for the communities living in the surrounding areas. We are addressing the current reliance on wood fuel for cooking, and then many issues this possesses, from deforestation to the dangers to health and the arduous task of collection. By providing the ECOCA, a solar powered electric cookstove, ensures a long-term sustainable solution for everyday cooking needs. We are in constant dialogue with the various communities surrounding the gorilla habitat, ensuring their voices are heard and they are part of our process. There is a critical demand for improvement in income opportunities and education. Utilizing the ECOCA for their cooking needs, significantly reduces demand for firewood as well as exposure to the harmful smoke & pollutants associated with burning solid biomass. Reducing the time spent collecting firewood, a task typically left to women, allows time for activities like education, income generation and many others. The stove includes 2 built in USB ports that can be used for charging small electric items like cell phones and tablets. In addition, 1 household lamp and 1 torch (both LED rechargeable) are included, providing a light source that can be used for homework and household activities after dark. Families can also generate income through charging people for usage of the USB charging points. The stoves will be assembled & maintained locally, providing opportunities for employment and skills acquisition. Having a local facility also ensures any technical issues with the stoves can be addressed immediately. Each stove will be serialized allowing for accurate data tracking of the C02 offsets. This means you will be able to see the exact impact you are making on people’s lives and contribution to a healthier climate and environment.

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Stanley Miller